Nienke Klunder
American Chateau By Nienke Klunder and Jaime Hayon

Nienke Klunder and Jaime Hayon have worked together since meeting in Italy in 2003. American Chateau, is their first public collaborative exhibition. This new series of sculptural and two dimensional pieces is a creative departure for both artists, taking inspiration from the iconic cultural exports of the USA and the opulence of 17th century European craftwork. Jaime and Nienkes pieces are the icons of the booming, fast-food American dream, a kind of Versailles meets Disneyland hybrid. This unusual juxtaposition transcends historical, social and contextual boundaries through its eclectic influences and overlapping of historical periods and high and low culture. It challenges the elite notions of art and design and gives them a frame of reference in contemporary everyday culture.

Spring Projects, London. 2009


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